In observation number four I saw a hole in the ground by the creek. I heard the leaves crackling and the running water in the creek. I felt the cold ground & the wind.
Site #3
In observation number three I saw holes in the tree. Probably from some termites or other kinds of bugs. I felt the tree bark and heard people talking.
Site #2
In obsevation number two I saw a hole in the ground. I heard an airplane flying by and I felt the cold wind.
Site #1
In observation number one I saw fungi on the trees. I heard the leaves crackling and felt the wind blowing.
In observation number five we saw where an animal had brushed up on the tree. We felt the tree. We didnt hear anything at this site.
Site #4
In observation number four we saw termites eating at the tree. We felt the tree bark and some of the moss. We heard birds chirping and leaves rustling.
Site #3
In observation number three we saw a semi frozen lake. We felt the wind blowing and heard the crackling of the thin ice and the leaves and trees.
Site #2
In observation number two we saw an abandoned vehicle. It looked like it had been there for a very long time. We still felt the wind blowing & heard birds chirping.
Site #1
In observation number one we saw algae. We didn't feel the algae but we did feel the wind. We heard the wind blowing & the leaves & trees crackling.